Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To Leave comments about Shelley

Thank you for dropping by Shelley's Memorial page We will be adding more information video's pictures etc about Shelley's life over the next week or so....Brian... Click the comment link below to leave a comment...Thank you ...A Tip: Click the link with a number and word comments (##comments)the link that says "To make comment" doesn't work that well.


  1. Our condolences to you and your family. Although (sadly) I never saw Shelley often, the time we were together were memorable.
    My Dad (Bob Jacobson) always spoke of his cousin Shelley with great fondness. She will be missed.
    May the Peace of God that passes all understanding, be with you as you walk through this sad and difficult time.
    Our hearts and prayers are with you.
    David and Gaye (Jacobson) Kurtz and Family

  2. We are thankful that we saw Shelley for a short time while in Calgary in August. Our friendship started in 1965 and you folks have been part of our lives since. She is now in glory, pain free and showing her wonderful smile and sharing her infectious laughter. Sorry we can not attend the memorial Monday but our prayers will be with you and your kids.
    Willis & Beth Creighton
    Payson, Arizona

  3. I just got this e-mail today and it does make me sad. Shelly was a very close cousin to my Mom, Gladys Larson. I remember as a young boy going and staying with Brian and Shelly in Calgary and always felt so welcome. She had such courage to deal with a long term illness. I don't make it to the Lee family reunions often but I will miss seeing her at them. To Brian and the kids, you were so fortunate to have her in your life, cherish the memories for they are yours forever. My thoughts are with you all the family and friends as you celebrate her well lived life.
    - Lots of love, Brent Larson, Rome, Italy.

  4. To Brian and family: We were saddened to hear of Shelley’s passing. Since she is safe in the Savior’s arms she is not lost to you, but for now you will dearly miss her. We remember Shelley with fondness, appreciating her love for the Lord and courageous demeanor through physical challenges. As you Brian she was a true friend (at one time being instrumental in helping Wendy find a good job). We pray that the Lord will comfort you, and that the service on Monday will be honouring to Him. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, NKJV) Hans and Wendy Elgby, Maryfield, Saskatchewan

  5. Dear Brian: It is hard trying to find the right words in times like this. Just know that Randy and I are thinking of you and your family and our prayer is that you will find great comfort in the Lord during this time. Shelly is now in a much better place, with her Lord & Savior. But we will still miss her warm and beaming smile, her keen sense of humor and positive words of encouragement.
    Love, Dave & Randy Lee

  6. In addition to my faith in God Shelley was the greatest thing that happened to me. She loved me unconditionally encouraged me and yes talked to me with passion when I got off track. I will miss her but my time with her will stick with me for the rest of my time on this earth. Her Loving husband Brian

  7. My auntie Shelley was a second mom to me - I spent almost as much time growing up in her house as my own. She nourished my body, soul and spirit with her love, wisdom, and concern. As an adult - I always felt welcome to stop by for tea and conversation. Always able to share my life and heart and have it lovingly supported. I can't even imagine not popping over for a chat. Shelley, I'm glad you're with Jesus now - getting all the answers to all the mysteries - but how I'll miss you. How I'll miss your friendship. How I'll miss having you in my corner. Love for a thousand memories. Your niece, Janelle

  8. My Dear Sister Shelley:

    I started this letter when you were in the hospital. You were to put it in your Treasure box, but instead you went home to be with Jesus.

    You were three-and-a-half and Jeannene was six-and-a-half when I came along. Of course, I do not remember those events. Some of my earliest memories of you were when I was six or seven years old. Mom and Dad thought I was going blind so they took me out of school; I often cried at your bedroom window, as I watched you scurry off to school. In those days you were known as “Bambi”. Bambi could always find whatever was lost. Most likely, you were instrumental in losing it. The refrain “Bambi, did it” was heard often in our home.

    When I was nine, Mom and Dad took me to Flint Michigan, Dad’s birthplace, and for the same reason I was taken out of school. They thought that I had to see a little more, not just our hometown of Lousana. You and Jeannene stayed home. You wrote a letter every day exhorting Mom not to lose me. Even then you were the nurse, the mother hen of all time.

    Once, in a great while you would take me out to Uncle Homer’s and I was allowed to sleep in a wonderful playhouse with the big girls. We had many wonderful adventures. We use to ride the old jersey cow; I believe her name was “Buttercup”.

    When Jeannene went away to high school at Prairie Bible Institute, she often came home toting friends. One weekend, she brought Joyce and Janice Herberger. Joyce said she was going to skin a muskrat. You bravely declared that if she could skin it, you would eat it. You changed your mind when she placed the raw meat on your grapefruit. You, Jeannene and her friends spent the weekend riding Uncle Laurel’s horses. Do you remember “Cappy” and “Comet”? They were far too much for me; I stuck with “Pepper” or “Paint”. In grade 11, it was your turn to go to PBI. I missed you terribly.

    When I was 15 or 16, you came home from nurses’ training and decided it was time you told me the facts of life. I was completely dumbfounded and I thought your knowledge was compared to none.

    I would stand by the window and cry, because I was just the pesky little sister that wanted to join you (with Jeannene, and our cousins Terry, Morley, Darlene, Delores) on your many wonderful excursions. You and I never really had any disagreements, bur you and Jeannene did. I remember one day when Jeannene broke Mom’s prized mirror over your elbow. You were our resident barber and tried to cut both of my ears off and one other day, you tried to make me sit still while you were practicing your wonderful art and pushed me through the kitchen window.

    You always had a long string of boyfriends; I often wished I shared your good fortune. You had blonde hair that would shine in the sunlight. I admired you for your beauty and your exuberant personality… I loved you so much.

    One day you came home from nurses training with two or three girlfriends, and after spending the day branding and vaccinating cattle and eating a massive picnic lunch, we set out for the Red Deer River. We decided to wash the heat and dirt of the day off by skinny dipping in the Red Deer River. We were all neck deep in water, when a man came walking down the beach. We stayed in the cold river, until we were almost blue; it was close to an hour before he would leave the water’s edge. Somehow, our clothes got wet and we hung our frilly underwear out of the car window to dry. It was rather amusing to see all of these garments flapping in the wind.


  9. ...continued

    Before you married your wonderful husband, you came in and told me that you wanted a man of God, a real spiritual leader. I think you found that in your marriage. Family was so important to you; I often admired the closeness and love that you shared. I remember you talking about Brian, “Isn’t he wonderful” and a small pint sized Michelle mimicked the same sentiment “Isn’t he wonderful”. You were truly blessed with your three wonderful children, their spouses and nine beautiful grandchildren. In your sight, your children were almost perfect… by the way, they are pretty great!

    I was away when Chantelle and Chad were little: first in Grande Prairie, then in Spruce Grove and then finally in Ottawa. I remember having the family up for Christmas in Spruce Grove. You always brought an abundance of food, more than your share. We had wonderful time. You were always first in the kitchen when there was a dish to be washed. You always had such a serving, generous heart.

    When Fred passed away, Lindsay and I came to live with you and Jeannene. You both helped me in very troubling times. You were always willing to welcome the various waifs that came to your door, even those from overseas.

    You and I spent hours in my garden. You taught me what you knew about different vegetables and always said “wouldn’t Mom be proud to see us working together?” Please greet Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa – it must be wonderful to see them and most of all Jesus.

    You have been ill for the last twenty years, and God was always right beside you. In the last 6 months you and I have been very close. Thank-you for letting me glimpse Jesus in you. In fact, you were my very best friend and I will miss you terribly. You surprised me one day by taking me to the “Readers Garden CafĂ©”. You kept it a secret until we were right in front of the place. You spent all of your birthday money on a surprise for me. I have seen you develop beautiful and lasting friendships. You always brought cookies or something special to eat. You led a multitude of people to a wonderful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ… I am so proud that I had a sister that knew what was so important.

    Our favorite haunt recently as been the famer’s markets and garage sales. I would push you in your wheelchair and you would supply the laughter. Just before you went into the hospital, we planned a trip to Golden to see Chad and Evie. We did not make it, but I know that you have reached the “Golden Gates of Heaven”. Please bring the cookies; we all will be there sooner than you think.

    Bye Hon, Love Pat.

  10. This msg is from Vern & Kim Lee:
    Sorry we didn't make it down, like everyone says it is hard too find the right words. We will miss the few times we seen Shelley at the Lee Reunions. Wish we had have come down more to visit. Brian and family our prayers are with you. Vern & Kim Lee

  11. Joanell's Comment from Shelley's Celebration

    I met Shelley at this church shortly after I became a New Believer. She was speaking about the importance of relationships at a Womens Conference that was being held here. As I listened to her,there was something about her gentle and warm spirit that drew me to her and little did I know that after a mutual friend introduced us, that we would go on to have an amazing friendship. Surely God's Plan was set in Action that day!

    Around 10 years ago her health started to fail to the point that there was not very much the medical system had to offer.

    With prayer the help of Michelle and Chantel, we searched out alternative treatments and found a Christian Naturapathic doctor. This was to set her out on a Long and Slow journey of regaining back some of her strength. 3 times a week for the next 8 months, her and I sat together while she was hooked up for an hour at a time to a machine that diagnosed and treated her various conditions.

    The only reason I'm saying this is because as you all know Shelley, if she had more than 5 minutes with a captive audience she was talking about the “love of Christ”.and that is exactly what my hungry soul needed at the time. For the next 10 years Gods plan was set in motion because she became my Spiritual Mentor and I would end up needing her much more than she would need me.

    Shelley had Many, Many special Gifts, one of which was making everyone she knew feel like they were her “Special Friend” and she was my Dearest Friend but I always knew that there were many others that felt the exact same way. No matter what how bad her situation was and often after going many days without sleep she would still take the time to listen and impart her special wisdom and she usually ended our conversations with a “let's pray about that”.

    She often lamented greatly about her inability to work at doing her beloved nursing career and all the things that made her feel productive in our human eyes, but in god's eyes he had given her a much bigger job on earth and that was to be an encouragement, to lift up and pray for all the people around her. She was never afraid to tell her doctors just how much THEY needed “Jesus”. I can still hear her saying “I'm just going to keep telling them until they listen” This is exactly what she did because she was determined to take as many souls to heaven with her as she could.

    A couple of months ago Shelly was reading a book by Phillip Keller called “A Shepards look @psalm 23” She gave me this little stuffed sheep and told me to keep it close by – well, actually she said “ keep it on your pillow” - she wanted me to remember that we are all like sheep, stubborn and difficult and when we stray from the flock to never, never give up because God is the shepard that will always bring us back. These are the kinds of little things that Shelley always did and for that I will always treasure this little guy.

    Brian reminded me last week that she often said to make sure that when we talk about her, that we should tell the good and the bad but to me, she was an Angel, my Confident, a Fierce Prayer
    Warrior for me and my family and a friend to laugh and cry with.

    I have just one more thing I want to share with you and it's a little poem that spoke to me about Shelley.

    We all heard the footsteps
    Of the angels drawing near
    Who took from earth to heaven
    The one we love so dear
    She hasn't really left us
    Nor has she traveled far
    She's entered God's beautiful garden
    And left the door ajar.

    I will always miss and love ya Girlfriend.


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